Sideways Peace Sign Urban Dictionary (2024)

1. peace sign sideways - Urban Dictionary

  • the normal peace sign but tilted. means "ayo wusaap" not used often except for taking pictures.

2. peace sign - Urban Dictionary

  • A pose, typically done for a camera, where the subject makes a completely solemn, "gangster-esque" face, and flashes a sign of two fingers, signifying peace.

  • The gay peace sign is used for a someone who is in the closet but still would like to show that they are gay. There is also one for a bisexual person but they do a finger gun or they point one finger to their side

3. chunk a deuce - Urban Dictionary

  • Throw up 2 fingers to mean peace out, later, adios. Throw up 2 fingers to show a sign of respect and/or greeting.

  • Throwing a peace sign sideways in the air, originally coined in H-town

4. peace-signs - Urban Dictionary

5. douche fingers - Urban Dictionary

  • The sideways peace sign made popular by Hollywood promoters, or douchebags. Can consist of two double sideways peace signs, with at least one grey goose bottle ...

  • The sideways peace sign made popular by Hollywood promoters, or douchebags. Can consist of two double sideways peace signs, with at least one grey goose bottle in hand, and a blonde under each arm.


  • 3 sep 2010 · Some people also call the sign "deuces," and when they use it they call it "chunking the deuce" as a combination peace and goodbye sign. * * *.

  • What is the meaning of the sideways "peace" double-finger sign that teenagers sometimes flash? I watched a Miley Cyrus video and she displayed the symbol. I know that, pointed up, the sign in the...


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  • ‰PNG IHDR ¸ ó.(. “PLTEþÿüÿÿÿÆÇÄ š›™ÔÕÒÐÑδµ²êë荎Œ‹ŒŠº»¸€~¦§¥¾¿¼¡¢ŸUVT01/"$!decOPNab`HIG564Z\Y #÷øõrtqDECopnjli |}{uvt?@>ÂÃÀùú÷ÙÚ×ÜÝÚáâßö÷ôîïìäåâ«­ªñòïüýúÙþ&\ )IDATxÚíÜYsâ얦áuki˜G§mf$ýÿŸÒ'ÝÑç}ÖÝU»Œ B䗵m¾Ú\™áðâá×+#OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOeø ÿJ¸ec[ë_)ª¦NžîLG^T­öV%´gzô+\óMύü0|½¡>Lƒ-'TÕÿìFšY–µXÿp(ŒTûÞêõ(_ضVMÓtìM—vù'…áZÏ5[z0ŽÖȏ!TµòQE¾ ­òŸž†k›C=z©MÂ0l«öåÇÐWu{°ëŠÿÄ4^moô¢[½AXÛîz±—½«‡üLU¹s5‘?ð:úº5nyՍ[h“¸cý¡~æÈm±¾äœl [õÉ|PòD™ÈOÈÛ:á·ZTÄD»–cNºº5˜86€”"Ó.?ÔgfÈýXk‹¿”ÆÚ ÂN·¡;ã® €\Ç`œÈ÷ÃQ5{¼&ú›ýH³9ӝF·ïG†ñÊtŠÜFM]ä»±ºš±W|d˜rÄV4ê©ê{gXµ³˜=áU—ÈMyW3äÛÍî~xDëãHü†ÜÄAœÑ°£[‰±I #œrƒ:òݘjyãå2'jȽ7ӐµQI£I_wÆõI°Ê9ƒE½ŠÜ@ªmä{©Ý¹ÄÂAΑՑ=:孙½Eµ­5¿²ˆä¦nDUùVÈHß]¤³DŽÖ²G0âsvZRFf8Á°¡ª½æÛ´m[k ä ÚÃR·¥:G¾É@gR«†| ŠìÐ7‘=¢ó½ Í͖ŒœM‰Z 7јH)¨ª6lä;Gª£)C0DXF|Œ§ä Ö¯ù°ü®nýªyAÅv!›-¹McË@.@ªª>Èw"ªF ¥ˆÚ|¾›"[„3äÎa•ä†ÿ¢ªožq l|ä6ª”åñ¢®‘ïóžÎ6Ș}ä€ÔD¶è™œ®l`µukho Š¿bÜƪŽœƒ¤:Ví¬A¾IMÕä¼r€é#"jŸ%ÒöšºU÷lä!Kä¶LmΗ¶N{—ðä[¨Öo^.Þ 9`TEDh͐OlÞwiLëµ?*Èm4Mäl¬PU^öíyÄ¡jUhw‘"¬ÎË7Tµº«ÖkdÍí§&CD€Ø©é–¿ ä{w´n!7aê 9™bˆÎ·ƒÌOÊc¤L"k¹Ž¡º¯¢é»jcZ‰ù‰]W›‚”Kน³8N+ù¾Ó諜'¢.Ÿù­¸¬¥-`î × ­÷¨ÝЭÉR@¾›ž†‚”Ꙉ°<6š d«1CN0y?©á¯YÎ)©¤l mp­Ä„³±ªŽ›Uëägn–sÉÓqk‰H2îʋý÷cœowY7ÒÆxR¤ˆ´y#‘"`å4_TµzËW@~ž‘[O}À?TM¨¨ÍóQGO"!\x¤ˆ¾ f9bMªú>1¬ŸÃF{reltÀ¾wh¸ÚG¾°TR=)­Àª‰±ÔœMùñ|ÚPÕÎäÆÏbxOy[™454Œé¨ÓÒ9B&Ðe-‚³eQ€1ˆXk,WFºÕŠ2@~««Åm ‘ÔX«zÙ*íéAŸ»2ªs¦„MC5ÿú©:R„7‚Þ Œ©ªŽ§ó,yL¯•T±åUM—n]wjf%‰ß[“XÖpfˆ€y2P[oRÀf³€cÚ²s@m\_rËѳ¾j;µ\ Þk`M9mQcx9NÂll+‘ ªd¦nµ+9Èã ymÁ5âl2àP-›³_֎?Ž¾Öi% ì·Tu4Çò>Ž¥ÕDŠ‰Tá¤Éx$ç‡4‡Y{¨”M¿`™uÕ®¹ y0T´‰”â…’DäS¢Mæûçʚ~¡ãòvN1Ž...

8. peace sign over eye - Urban Dictionary

  • A "basic bitch" pose. Used seriously, stereotypical white suburban girls place their fingers over their face in a crowd to say (basically) In jest.

  • A "basic bitch" pose. Used seriously, stereotypical white suburban girls place their fingers over their face in a crowd to say (basically) In jest, the pose is used to poke fun at aforementioned white suburban girls and often said with the tagline "fierce." Most people recognize it's a "basic bitch" thing to do and only use it in jest.

9. puss*gn - Urban Dictionary

  • A sign that is like the peace sign but sideways. your palm side of your hand is faced outward towards the person.

  • A sign that is like the peace sign but sideways. your palm side of your hand is faced outward towards the person. the peace sign is then placed over your eye, so your eye is looking between your fingers. this sign is used for a really hot girl and you want to get to know her better. but it is usually used to tell a girl you really like her and wanna see her naked.

10. peace sign with thumb - Urban Dictionary

  • peace and love.. middle finger and index form peace , thumb and index form love.

  • peace and love.. middle finger and index form peace , thumb and index form love

11. V Sign - Urban Dictionary

  • 1. A sign the hippies used back in the 60's and early 70's which stood for peace. Nowadays you might still see that same acid wired phoggy standing on the side ...

  • Rude English hand sign that derives from the middle ages. During the 100 years war the French would cut off the middle and index fingers of any English bowman so as they could never shoot again. The English would taunt the French by showing their fingers, so as to say "I can still shoot you Frog!" although todays meaning is more or less "f*ck off you twat." Is the trademark of rock star, Liam Gallagher but was also made popular during the second world war by Winston Churchill where it took on the meaning of V for Victory. It should not be confused with the piss-poor peace sign which is the reverse of it with the palm and fingers facing the viewer instead of the back of the hand. Due to its historical relevance it should be particularly directed at the French and other historical enemies of the English.

12. V-sign - Oxford Reference

  • ... Peace sign', and a further change was ... Morris, 1979: 226–40;Talking Folklore 1:2 (1986/7), 25–42. From: V-sign in A Dictionary of English Folklore » ...

  • "V-sign" published on by null.

Sideways Peace Sign Urban Dictionary (2024)


What does the peace sign turned sideways mean? ›

What does a sideways peace sign mean? It means, "deuces, peace out." It can indicate love, peace, disdain, sarcasm, signify one's leaving or being "over" a situation. Occasionally, it means, "what's up?"

What does a backwards peace sign mean slang? ›

While making a V with you index and middle finger is a sign of victory, if turned backwards, it is the nonverbal equivalent of 'up yours' in the UK, Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia. Backwards peace signs are to be avoided in polite interactions.

What does the peace sign the other way mean? ›

Backwards Peace Sign

If someone sees you: You just gave them the equivalent of the middle finger if you're in the U.K., Australia, Ireland or New Zealand. Whoops!

Does an upside down peace sign mean anything? ›

The upside-down peace symbol actually represented his crucifixion. The Germans considered the inverted sign as a symbol of heroic death, and these images are found on Nazi SS grave markers. Likewise the inverted Nero's cross also represents the “broken man” and was also a Nazi symbol for death.

What is the sideways hang loose sign? ›

“Hang loose,” “Right on,” “Thank you,” “Things are great,” “Take it easy” – in Hawaii, the shaka sign expresses all those friendly messages and more. As kamaaina know, to make the shaka, you curl your three middle fingers while extending your thumb and baby finger.

What does the yellow sign with a sideways T mean? ›

This side road sign warns drivers of an upcoming intersection so they can be aware of traffic entering or exiting the highway. Shape: Diamond. Side road signs are a diamond with a sideways “T” symbol in the middle. Location: Ahead of an intersection. They are located ahead of an area where a side road meets a highway.

What does 4 fingers sideways mean? ›

This sign doesn't mean anything scandalous — it's just a peace sign on its side. Yes, it's sideways, but if you thought that changes the meaning of the gesture, it's actually not that complicated at all. The sideways peace sign actually means the same thing as the traditional peace sign.

What is the inappropriate peace sign? ›

The "V" sign:

In America, the "V" sign with the palm facing outward is a sign of peace or victory. But in the UK, Australia, and New Zealand, the same gesture with the palm facing inward can be considered offensive and mean "up yours." Yikes!

What does the ✌ mean backwards? ›

Most commonly known as a ✌️ Peace Sign, but traditionally called as a Victory Hand. Two fingers held up on one hand making a V sign. The reverse of this symbol is considered an offence gesture in British culture, similar to giving the middle finger.

What does a backwards peace sign mean on TikTok? ›

What is the meaning of the backwards peace sign? Reversed peace sign was popular among young Japanese girls in mid 2000s. It's a type of peace sign. It defines your jawline, making your face look slimmer. It might be used as an offensive gesture in some countries or cultures.

What does ✌ mean from a guy? ›

The ✌️ (peace) emoji stands for peace, victory, unity, and non-violence. Use ✌️ to show support for a person or cause, or to say goodbye to someone over text. In Britain, the reverse of the peace sign is similar to flipping someone off. Some people also use ✌️ to symbolize sex or female genitalia.

What does 2 fingers up and 2 fingers down mean? ›

Two fingers on the right hand point up and two on the left hand point down, meaning "as above, so below". These words and the accompanying gesture are familiar to occultists. They are drawn from the ancient works of Hermes Trismegistus, whose writings became popular during the Renaissance and Reformation.

What does ✌ sideways mean? ›

It means, "deuces, peace out." It can indicate love, peace, disdain, sarcasm, signify one's leaving or being "over" a situation.

Does a sideways peace sign mean anything? ›

The sideways peace sign originated when people became conquered and their minds and true identity were compromised. In Japan, in the 1960s as a symbol of opposition towards the Vietnam War. The sideways peace sign originated from the Kemetic sign for peace, representing two different units becoming one.

What is the backwards peace sign called? ›

The reverse peace sign, also known as the broken or upside-down peace sign, is often used as a symbol of anti-establishment or counterculture.

What does mean? ›

In this emoji, the index finger and the thumb form a small heart shape. This gesture, used to express love or affection, is known as a finger heart and was popularized in the 2010s by South Korean celebrities, including actors, K-pop stars, and comedians.

What does the sideways cross tattoo mean? ›

In this case, people believe that the sideways cross meaning is a symbol that displays that the Earth is lying between heaven and hell. The cross is meant to represent the struggles that humanity goes through in order to live according to the beliefs and practices that Christianity has set forth.

What does ✌ mean? ›

The ✌️ emoji represents the peace sign or victory hand gesture. Also known as the victory hands emoji, the ✌️ emoji is a symbol of peace, unity, and non-violence. Use it to let people know that you're cool with something, or to casually end a conversation with your loved ones.

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