M22 Scouting Tool - Operation Sports Forums (2024)



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M22 Scouting Tool

Madden 22 Scouting Tool

Welcome to Mattanite and Fraser’s Madden 22 Scouting Tool. We felt it was a much needed tool following the scouting update due to the lack of filtering, sorting or visible information without sieving the player tiles. It has been created with various levels of users in mind and includes an interpretation of the grades, ranges and generated players into a scouting predictor called ScoutScore which will offer a way of representing the value of a player at a certain pick and the confidence your scout might have in that player. Let’s get started.

There are 4 user modes; Basic, Advanced, Expert and Master and all modes work if your players have a similar level of detail. There are two main groups of players in the generated class, 224 tuned players that represent rounds 1 to 7 and then a further ~226 randomly generated UDFA players for ~450 players in total. For the best results we recommend that you take the block of 224 to the same level of detail but can reduce mode for the next block between the 224 and 450 total as the madden menus work slightly differently.

In Scouting Tool, where a cell is white it typically needs you to enter the information. Where a cell is grey there will be a picklist to choose from and where a cell is green there will be a formula at work. Conditional formatting is used to allow cells to change colour by Grade, or as a percentile view on ScoutScore, PhysScore, SkillScore, TraitScore and Pre-Combine physical profiles.


Basic – enter in the names of all players in order as shown in Madden (224 or 450), then enter in the position of those players and finally enter the projected draft spot. If you wish to use the Scout Planning feature it’s best to enter the Region of the player also. This is best done in Regular Season Week1 and will activate the following tools:

  • Basic Draft Analytics – what is the distribution of players at position spread throughout the draft by draft cluster (Top5, 1st, 1st-2nd etc).
  • Basic Draft Board – all top 224 players in order based on Madden projected draft spot.
  • Basic Top Players – Top 5 or Top 10 (WR, CB, DT) based on Madden projected draft spot.


Advanced – complete the Basic mode (224 or 450), now enter the age, height, weight, Pre Combine information about a player (Acc, Agi, Cod, Jmp, Spd, Str and Thp/Kpw) and injury grade if shown. Height and weight are displayed in menu so can fly through these one by one. Age, injury and Pre Combine are on tile so will need to be entered individually. Thankfully, to save time we have entered a shorthand for the Pre-Combine levels as follows:

  • Great-Elite = EG
  • Good-Great = GG
  • Solid-Good = SG
  • Decent-Solid = DS
  • Marginal-Decent = MD
  • Poor-Marginal = PM

Notice how each shorthand starts with a different letter? It will allow you to autofill just by clicking the first letter and right to jump to the next block. The Pre-Combine info is arranged in the order presented on the tile for ease (except K or P where KPW appears in the middle). This is best done in Regular Season Week1 and can be added onto for the 450 with UDFAs without much penalty. This will activate the following:

  • ScoutScore – A confidence score for your head scout, as more information is gathered the ScoutScore will assess whether or not the value of a player is suited to the draft cluster that Madden has projected them in, it gathers from PhysScore and advanced profile information at this stage. If within a certain % value of the Madden projection the Scout will tell you it’s an OK value pick. If enough % outside of the projected value then an indication that this player is poor value, good value, a gem or a potential bust will appear. On top of this, the ScoutScore is ranked so it will automatically tell you what draft cluster the player is best valued within (note; additional draft clusters for Top16, 2nd, and 4th-5th are present here to narrow the value down).
  • Advanced Class Analytics – what distribution of players at position spread throughout the draft based on the sum of ScoutScore per draft cluster, max ScoutScore per draft cluster and mean ScoutScore per draft cluster.
  • Advanced Groupings – entering basic information will allow the basic positional groupings to auto-populate (QB, OL, DB, DL etc) but by entering the weights a further division of DL, Edge and LB will activate. If you can guess an archetype of a player then enter it in the archetype box and it will automatically show you the likely 3 top attributes of that player build. Entering a Speed Rusher or Power Rusher archetype for an OLB automatically updates their grouping to Edge as well.
  • PhysScore – By entering the Pre-Combine information it will generate a Physicality score depending on the Group/Position of the player. So DL and OL will favour strength whereas WR and CB will weigh more heavily based on their Speed Rating. QBs get a boost by their Throw Power prediction too.
  • Advanced Draft Board – The Draft Board tab will automatically update to the ScoutScore and show you the new order of players throughout the draft and how different it is to the Madden projected spot.
  • Advanced Top Players – the Top Players board will automatically update based on the ScoutScore to show the new top players at each position.
  • Advanced Scouting Card – Can’t decide between two players? Filter here by group and then by position and the picklist of names will update. Select the player you like and all their information will be presented on the Scouting Card, including their ScoutScore/Max, PhysScore/Max, even their College&Conference if you want to go that far. The Scout will give you a breakdown of their athleticism and durability if available.


Expert – Complete Basic and Advanced for the 224 or 450 and then go through each player tile and enter in the shown grades at each attribute. The ScoutScore assumes a base grade of a C per player, so entering a D or an F downgrades the overall ScoutScore and an A or a B upgrades the ScoutScore. What the change is telling you is that based on the grades entered you now have more or less confidence in drafting that player at that spot but it doesn’t mean a no go. They could have an amazing Pre-Combine but F grades shown, they might be a project, bust or just unlucky scouting. This is recommended in Regular Season Week 1, then Week 7 when the National Scout upgrades all scores to 40% and then progressively as your regional scouts, focus scouting and private work outs become available. The ScoutScore can be quite sensitive to entering grades so it’s best to enter all grades for the 224 or 450 or delete them out temporarily when setting your draft board order – entering a couple of A grades for a QB will elevate him above the rest, but the other QBs might show A grades too. This will upgrade the tabs as follows:

  • Expert Class Analytics – All that new info will affect the sum, mean and max ScoutScore by draft cluster so worth paying attention to where the class is deep or shallow by round or position.
  • Expert Scouting Card – The grades feedback into the card where the Head Scout will give a more detailed breakdown of the player.
  • Expert Draft Board – those grades have distilled the value of players down so the board becomes much more confident.
  • Expert Top Players – all that new information has really narrowed down the confidence in the Top Players (or lack thereof).


Master – If you really want to get to the nitty gritty, there is a space to enter the Traits shown on scouting card. This will create a TraitScore that will boost or deduct from the ScoutScore. If one pass rusher is showing strip ball, big hitter, multiple pass rush moves and another pass rusher doesn’t, then it’ll boost the ScoutScore of the more mature player trait wise.

  • Master Class Analytics – Perfect draft analysis really honing where the value lies.
  • Master Draft Board – This is the purest the draft order will get.
  • Master Top Players – The ultimately refined Top Player board cannot get any better.


Scouting - Your Regional and National Scouts play an important role in digging up nuggets of new information on a player in the new Madden 22 scouting update but it’s hard to know what route to take sometimes. Once you have entered the information for the Advanced Mode then you can take advantage of the % scouted on a player improving the confidence in ScoutScore. Knowing more about a good player could be wiser come draft time than knowing very little on whom everyone else is saying is a stud player. You can plot your path to your final scouting % using the Scouting tool.

  1. Filter by the group you are scouting (such as RT/LT or DT or FS/SS) then your Region and add your T1, T2 or T3 Regional Scout to all those players.
  2. Next assign whether or not that Scout is a position expert.
  3. Then assign the specific position they’re scouting (so an expert RT/LT scout adds a bonus to both positions before even assigning the specific RT position in Madden).
  4. Unfilter by Region, filter by a group and add your T1, T2 or T3 National Scout, repeat for expert and then specific position (so a T3 national LT/RT expert scout will add 10% to LT and RT, then another 30% to RT if chosen).
  5. You can add Focus Scouts and Private Workouts too and if you go above 100% it’ll show you the level of wastage above.
  6. The number of grades that will eventually be shown is also displayed once your scouting information is all entered.


Further Notes:
Attribute Thresholds – All the attribute thresholds are positioned on individual tabs so they can be visually observed, but if you want some mystery, I’d suggest sticking to just the golden tabs. The Pre-Combine information allows a typical physical profile to be shown in the Scouting Tool tab by position without going into the positional threshold tabs. K and P cannot be scouted so generic thresholds have been established for these based on experience with generated classes.

Combine information – space has been provided to enter in the specific combine score for all the events but these do not factor into the ScoutScore in any way. By the time the combine rolls around then you should already have a fairly good view of the draft class so the information loses some value other than to confirm physical ratings more.

Stories, notes and draft boards – There’s column space to enter in Stories/Events from the Madden menu as these can impact projected spot as well as specific attributes and OVR. There’s space to enter specific notes for yourself too, so maybe you want to add “Injury Risk” to all D and F injury ratings or highlight “Workout Warrior” for all high PhyScore players no matter the position. There’s a space to type in your own draft board order but at this time it does not supplant the ScoreScout rank order, and there’s a sub-board where you can write quick letter filters, such as a Zz for a sleeper pick or assign which round you’ll take them if they drop. There’s also space to cross off players as they’re “Picked” during a draft so you can filter the Scouting Tool by remaining players.


Tips, Feedback and Requests:
EA have no plans this year to release an export tool for the draft class basic information but they are aware it’s a request given how time consuming entering draft class information can be. The following times are predictions of what each mode will take.

  • Basic 224 - 1hr
  • Basic 450 - 2hrs
  • Advanced 224 - 3hrs
  • Advanced 450 - 6hrs
  • Expert 224 - 5hrs
  • Expert 450 - 10hrs
  • Master 224 - 8hrs+
  • Master 450 - 16hrs+

Also, the “Picked” function is useful if you have a league that goes pick by pick, but if you have a league that advances to next user pick then you’re going to need to set your draft board in Madden by the order you like in the Scouting Tool. That way, when you reach your pick, you automatically know what players are still available.

The Madden Scouting menus reset to the top if there's too many players on the list. If you sort by position or region to narrow the list then when you exit a tile you'll stay in position to move onto the next player. Handy when going tile to tile.

The 224 players are all shown on the All Regions All Positions list as well as another 26 players comprising some UDFA generated QBs and CBs. If you want the other UDFA generated players at other positions then sort by position to see them. The 450 are sometimes worth flicking through as you can get some really wild gems but for the most part they're average filler players.

Feedback is welcome, we’ve worked hard to get this out and double checked quite a lot, but feedback on bugs, formulas not working or suggestions on the modifiers/weightings are welcome.

If there’s a feature you’d like to see in there then suggest it and I’ll get back to you on how easy or difficult that is.

Update 1.01

  • Added College Picklist to all cells
  • Added conditional formatting to X for picked to go darker grey
  • Added additional side by side Scouting Card so you can compare different players.
  • Added a "Picked at" column in Scouting Tool with picklist for 224 spots
  • Added a "Drafted" tab which shows where players were picked during draft. Value diff is the ScoutScore rank vs actual picked position.

Update 1.02

  • Added ability to refine combine information ranges and PhysScore will update accordingly. e.g. Good-Great can now be split into Good or Great as according to offseason. It's in the same picklist below the dash.
  • Physical profile now updates when the ranges split after you refine them, so narrows down prediction (THP and KPW also update on refinement).
  • Made "C" the baseline for SkillScore - thanks Aestis - with A and F offering a slightly bigger swing of +-3.
  • Added an updated pick column next to Week1 pick column. If a number is entered here (like following mock drafts or in offseason) then "Value at Pick" will update based on new number, a blank will mean Value at Pick listens to Week1 pick column. Remember ScoutScore uses "Projection" so these will need up****** if you want too, so a 1-2nd moving into clear 1st will increase ScoutScore if updated in sheet.
  • Scouting Card updated for combine refinements with player comparisons added for Elite combine results.
  • Scoutscore and Physicality grey tabs updated for combine refinement.

Update 1.02.05
Updated the % awarded by scouts to match April update - apologies if these are wrong, I no longer own the game to verify the formula.

Madden 23 1.00.00 Update

I've left the M22 final version up and also added a zip file for an adjusted M23 version. Main difference is the scouting % and changing to account for variability of scouts.

How to set scouts:

  1. Make sure Name and Position are entered already (feeds into new Scout Group formula and setting blanks)
  2. Filter by region and both scouting expert positions
  3. Add the Tier and either Regional or National designation
  4. Then filter by exact position scouted and add the "position to scout"

This is due to experts adding a bonus to the unscouted expert position and an extra bonus to the scouted position. E.g. A T1 regional scout has OT and IOL as expert positions and chooses to scout OT but IOL will still get a bump in %.

Attached Files
M22 Scouting Tool - Operation Sports Forums (2)M22 Scouting Tool v1.02.05.zip (903.6 KB, 445 views)
M22 Scouting Tool - Operation Sports Forums (3)M23 Scouting Tool v1.00.00.zip (887.5 KB, 524 views)

CipherInfinity, J.hunt1376, detuaxd and 19 others like this.

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Last edited by Mattanite; 10-12-2022 at 04:31 AM.

M22 Scouting Tool - Operation Sports Forums (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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